Health Insurance in Austria

Key Differences

Firstly, Austrian Healthcare is insurance based as opposed to the NHS, which is residence based. If you use an Austrian state provider (e.g. OeGK, SVS, BVAEB) you will also be issued with an e-Card.

Do not expect to be automatically covered as you are resident.  Both you and your family members need to apply to join one of the healthSozialministerium The Austrian Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection is responsible for the following fields: The health care system Initiatives for people with disabilities Consumer protection Public health and medical issues Care and support The rights of consumers and the protection of their health Senior citizens’ policy Social policy Social insurance insurance schemes.

You also cannot be insured by the NHS and an Austrian State provider at the same time (possible exception is S1, where the UK pays). If you live in Austria, you need an Austrian approved policy.


Ordinarily a Schengen Visa travel insurance policy is accepted for a Visa application to Austria, BUT it is NOT accepted for a residence permit.

The BMI have the final determination as to what is approved for applications, but the information below is provided to allow people to make an informed choice based on information that is in the public domain.

Working and Co-insurance

If you are working, you will most likely be insured via your employer with OeGK or possibly BVAEB (for some professions). For those that are self-employed there is also SVS. Some international organisations (e.g. UN) have special private insurance policies that are also approved.

The non-working spouses/partners and family members of employees should look at Mitversicherung (co-insurance). BVAEB which is the insurance for those associated with the Austrian Civil Service and Railway also has a similar scheme.

Please note that non-working spouses/partners can sometimes experience on boarding issues. There is a 6 month wait if they are unable to prove they have been insured elsewhere. You may also need an NHS Legislation Letter from the UK, to prove you are no longer insured there. If you have on-boarding issues, you may need to take out a private policy in the interim.

State Health Self Insurance

The Austrian State Health Self Insurance scheme is called ÖGK Selbstversicherung which costs approximately EUR 526.79 (2025 value) per month and is approved for residency (provided there is no 6-month wait).

As with the co-insurance, on-boarding for this can sometimes be tricky and is not always seamless!

You will need to prove that you are not insured elsewhere (e.g. UK Legislation Letter). There is also a 6 month wait if you are unable to prove National Insurance payments (e.g. UK NI) in the last 6-12 months (e.g CA3916 for the UK).

To join the scheme, you need to contact your local branch of ÖGK and complete the forms.

If you are 55+, not eligible for co-insurance and not of pensionable age this may be your best option, especially if you have pre-existing conditions.

Private Policies

There is only one known list of approved Private Health Insurance policies that is in the public domain. This list is for Vienna (MA35Magistratsabteilung 35 Residency and citizenship issues in Vienna are handled by Magistratsabteilung 35 (MA35). It has several offices in Vienna and where you need to go depends on whether or not you are an EU citizen (you go to one or other of its EU Referat offices depending on the district you live in), or its premises for third country nationals.).  It lists policies from mainly Austrian based insurance companies: Generali, Wiener Städtische, Uniqa, Allianz, Donau Versicherung, Care Concept.

The Care Concept policy is available online. Its Care Austria 364 policy is available directly from Care Concept DE or via Care Austria. Some Uniqa policies are available directly via Feelsafe. For most of the others you will need to speak to a broker or an agent.

Some of these policies are restrictive on age and pre-existing conditions. They may also increase significantly on renewal, especially if you make claims. Also be careful of minimum terms; a 2-year minimum is not unusual!

Seek professional advice from an INDEPENDENT broker and ensure that the policy you opt for is MA35 approved.

NOTE 1: By purchasing a policy other than one on the approved list (e.g. from some well-known international providers) you run the risk of it NOT being accepted and/or causing you immigration issues down the line.

NOTE 2: There have been several sponsored Facebook posts for companies selling health insurance for Austria. If you use one of these providers, please double check that the policies are approved by MA35 to avoid any issues.

Pensioners & Seconded Employees

For those in receipt of a UK (or EU) pension and seconded employees, you should look at the social security co-ordination provided via an S1 Form (See EU Standard Forms) which can be registered via OeGK. Please see the NHS Guide Planning your Healthcare Abroad for more details on the S1 Form.

Note: Pensioners doing this may have this insurance cancelled in Austria if they start working.


Reduced rate policies apply for students (EUR 73.48 per month in 2025), which are available from OeGK and some private providers (e.g. Feelsafe, Care Austria, Expat & Co). Check the OeAD site for further details.

Note: A UK Student GHIC is NOT accepted for a student residence permit in Austria.

AMSArbeitsmarktservice The Austrian Public Employment Service (AMS) is Austria’s leading provider of labour-market related services, and matches candidates with job openings and assists jobseekers and companies by providing advice, information, qualification opportunities and financial assistance.

If you have paid sufficient social insurance contributions either in Austria, another EU/EEAEEA The European Economic Area (EEA) consists of the 27 EU Member States as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. The United Kingdom is not part of the EEA. country or the UK you are entitled to claim unemployment benefits from the AMS which will include health insurance. However, you will not be able to claim benefits if you haven’t contributed enough (e.g. 12 months of contributions). For those moving from the UK or elsewhere in the EU, form U1 is relevant (see below).

In the UK, use HMRC form CA3916 to request a U1. When you complete the CA3916 form, tick the box to say you want a U1 Statement. You should also answer ‘yes’ to the question ‘Are you applying for a statement of NI contributions to claim unemployment benefit abroad?’.

Please be advised that the CA3916 information can take many weeks/months to arrive.

Note 1:  Please take along a German speaker to the AMS and be advised that they will be VERY keen to get you back in to employment.

Proof you are no longer insured in the UK

If you need proof that you are no longer insured in the UK, you can do this by requesting a Legislation Letter from NHS Overseas Services.

Sometimes OeGK may want to know the effective date that you were no longer insured in the UK. This date might depend on your exact circumstance, but is usually either the date of the letter or something like your MeldezettelMeldezettel Austria requires everyone living in Austria (both Austrians and foreigners) to register their place(s) of residence with the local authorities. The confirmation of this registration is called a Meldebestätigung (EN: confirmation of registration), although it is still affectionately known to many by its former name (the Meldezettel). This is done at your Meldeamt in the Gemeinde or Bezirk you live in. You are required to do your registration within three days of arrival. It is important to do this also because your qualification for permanent residence starts to run from the point of your registration. date.

Note: After you have applied for this, you will no longer be entitled to full NHS care in the UK (unless on an S1).

Continuity of Healthcare

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To maintain continuous legal residence in Austria you need an Austrian approved health insurance policy. Failure to maintain continuous health insurance will cause you issues when renewing residency permits. It may even prevent you from receiving permanent status.

Please be very careful when changing status in Austria (e.g. employed to self-employed etc), use the AMS if applicable or make alternative arrangements (e.g. private insurance). If you decide to quit your job, ask HR to confirm how long they will continue to insure you (it is UP TO 6 weeks).

Note: Those contemplating remote working, need to take particular care here. If you live in Austria, you need Austrian Approved Health Insurance.


When you become resident in Austria you are no longer entitled to the UK GHIC (except those on an S1). It will also take you 1 year to get an Austrian EHIC.

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