There is far more to living in Austria than exchanging a driving licence or getting a residence permit and “The Guide” is intended to be a constantly expanding collection of information on all aspects of living in Austria. Many of its pages were originally published as FAQs. We receive questions through various channels and try to help people find answers to their questions in an approachably written way. We welcome members to join in submitting items to The Guide.
Full List of Sections and Pages in Sections.
- Austrian Citizenship
- Working in Austria
- Travel
- Motoring in Austria
- Blogs, Pods and Vlogs
- Financial Bootcamp
- Residence
- Information for British Citizens not covered by the Withdrawal Agreement
- Residence Information that applies to all British Citizens in Austria.
- Information for British Citizens covered by the Withdrawal Agreement
- Article 50 card – Practical Information
- Feedback about applying for the Art 50 EUV Card
- Art 50 EUV Card Feedback
- Useful links to official texts: which card?
- Art 50 EUV card Appeals
- Basic Info: Article 50 Card
- Article 50 – Enquiry Form
- Will I lose my WA Rights if my Article 50 Card expires?
- What are the key differences between a 5-year Article 50 card and a 10-year Article 50 card?
- Article 50 Cards: Forms and Guidance
- Seasonal Workers – Implications of absences on Residence Permits (A50 cards)
- Upgrading from the 5 year to the 10 Year Article 50 card
- Can the Austrian Authorities still issue Article 50 Cards?
- Nature
- Health
- Legal
- Schools and Studying
- Voting Rights for British Citizens Living in Austria
- House and Home
- Moving to/from Austria
- Brexit – Information from Austrian Ministries
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