During the transition periodTransition Period The transition period (also referred to as the implementation period) is the period following the UK's departure from the European Union (on 31.01.2020) until the end of 2020. An option to extend this period has not been taken up by the UK government. (until the end of 2020) and thereafter there was a considerable amount of information about Brexit on Austrian Government Ministry websites covering a broad range of topics. However, many of these pages are no longer being updated, and many are being removed, or new content no longer being translated. Now there is more of a focus, where information is still available, on providing information for Austrian citizens in the UK. British in Austria continues to try to convince ministries and authorities of the importance of publicity of Brexit-related issues through .gv.at websites, in particular in German, as the information can still be very useful in dealings with the authorities, and frequently raises this issue in its regular meetings with the British Embassy.
- BKA – Brexit Portal (English landing page)
- BKA – Brexit Portal (in German)
- BMAW – Brexit information (in German)
- BMF – Brexit – (in German)
- BMF – Brexit – Contacts
- BMF – Brexit – Customs & Brexit (in German)
- BMF – Brexit – Financial Services and Market Infrastructures (in German)
- BMF – Brexit – Taxes (in German)
- BMI – Brexit (EN)
- BMJ – Brexit (in German)
- Sozialministerium – Import and Transit of animals (in German)
- Sozialministerium – Pets (in German)
- WKO – Information about the Trade and Cooperation Agreement (in German)