Austrian Legal Basis

Austrian law addresses all facets of life in Austria. The following non-exhaustive list of laws (as primary legislation in the form of Gesetze (laws/acts) and secondary legislation in the form of Verordnungen (regulations/ordinances) covers areas that are particularly relevant to British citizens living/studying/working in Austria. The page also contains a guide about ongoing amendments being made to these Austrian laws.

Bundesgesetze (National/Federal Laws – at national level)

AreaNames of Laws/RegulationsKnown Developments
ResidenceNAG; Brexit-DVBrexit-DVBrexit Durchführungsverordnung The Brexit Durchführungsverordnung (Brexit Implementation Regulation) is the Regulation/ordinance in Austrian law that will cover issues about residency for British citizens after the end of the transition period. entered into force on 01.01.2021
NaturalisationStbG 1985Dual citizenship by declaration (§58c) possible since September 2020.
Employment (Legal Professions)RAO; EIRAGAmendments enacted in December 2020
Employment (Medical Professions)ÄrzteG 1988
Recognition and Assessment of QualificationsAuBG
Assessment basis for residencySozialhilfe-GrundsatzgesetzThe basis at national level for the amounts that are determined by province
Table on Austrian legal basis including known developments for laws that affect British citizens in Austria.

Items in consultation, as well as closed consultations can be found on the RIS Website in section about consultations (in German only)

Some laws are issued at regional/provincial level (Landesgesetze), meaning that there are separate laws e.g. for property ownership (Grundverkehrsgesetze), or the calculation of how much your income needs to be to prove that you are not a burden to the state (Landesgesetze issued on the basis of the Sozialhilfe-Grundsatzgesetz listed above).

Selected Landesgesetze (Regional/Provincial Laws)

ProvinceForeign Property OwnershipSocial Assistance
BurgenlandSHG 2000
SUG – replaced MSG wef 01.04.2024
CarinthiaK-SHG 2021
K-BPG – replaced K-MSG wef 01.01.2023
Lower Austria
Upper Austria

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