Lost Article 50 card
Below are the steps that you need to follow for a lost Article 50 residence permit:
- Firstly, report it to the police or complete a lost property form at your local authority (Verlustanzeige).
- Then you need to reapply for the Article 50 card using the same forms as you did for the initial applications together with the supporting documentation. Ideally include a copy of your old card.
- Make an appointment at your local Bezirkshauptmannschaft or MA35Magistratsabteilung 35 Residency and citizenship issues in Vienna are handled by Magistratsabteilung 35 (MA35). It has several offices in Vienna and where you need to go depends on whether or not you are an EU citizen (you go to one or other of its EU Referat offices depending on the district you live in), or its premises for third country nationals. Office. Please note that the MA35 Brexit Department has closed so you need to go elsewhere (note changes after 1st May 2024).
You may need updated passport photos and make sure you have a valid passport.
It is unclear how much you will be charged exactly, but it should be in the order of €61.50 for an adult or €26.30 for a child. It is possible that there might be an additional administrative fee of up to €20. However, from experience of people who have lost their card before, some authorities have charged minimal or no fee. The fees are set out in the Fees Act (see below) Article 6 Eingaben (3)c.
Ask for a “Bestätigung über die antragstellung” as proof of the application, especially if you are travelling in the interim!
Please also note that Article 50 applications no longer receive priority treatment.
Other Residence Permits
If you have a different type of residence permit, follow the same procedure as per the Article 50 cards, submitting the appropriate forms.
Fees are likely to be around €120 for adults or €75 for children, plus an administrative fee of up to €20.
As a preventative measure, it is recommended to make a copy of both sides of your residence permit as soon as you receive the card.
Useful Links
RIS: Consolidated text of the Fees Act 1957 (GebG; Gebührengesetz 1957) – in German only
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