Frontier worker

In the EU context, any worker who is employed in the frontier zone of an EU Member State but who returns each day or at least once a week to the frontier zone of a neighbouring country in which they reside and of which they are nationals as called frontier workers. German uses the terms “GrenzarbeitnehmerFrontier worker In the EU context, any worker who is employed in the frontier zone of an EU Member State but who returns each day or at least once a week to the frontier zone of a neighbouring country in which they reside and of which they are nationals as called frontier workers. German uses the terms "Grenzarbeitnehmer" and "Grenzgänger".” and “GrenzgängerFrontier worker In the EU context, any worker who is employed in the frontier zone of an EU Member State but who returns each day or at least once a week to the frontier zone of a neighbouring country in which they reside and of which they are nationals as called frontier workers. German uses the terms "Grenzarbeitnehmer" and "Grenzgänger".”.

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