KirchenaustrittKirchenaustritt Kirchenaustritt is the act of physically leaving the church. A frequent reason for leaving the church is due to reluctance to pay a Kirchenbeitrag. It is not without consequence, as you are for example unable to take sacrament, become a godparent, marry in a church. Should you reconsider and wish to rejoin the church, you will be charged Kirchenbeiträge for the time you had left the church for. is the act of physically leaving the church. A frequent reason for leaving the church is due to reluctance to pay a KirchenbeitragKirchenbeitrag Kirchenbeitrag is a form of tax, set as 1.1% of income, and is used by the church to subsidise its activities (e.g. pastoral care, charity and culture).. It is not without consequence, as you are for example unable to take sacrament, become a godparent, marry in a church. Should you reconsider and wish to rejoin the church, you will be charged Kirchenbeiträge for the time you had left the church for.
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