
Ambassador offers to help MA35 clear Art 50 EUV Card backlog by bicycle courier delivery

Exclusive information about plans to clear Art 50 EUV Card backlog by bicycle courier delivery Press Release
(Cleared for release 1 April 2021 – a.m. only)

Media Enquiries should be addressed to A.Priehlfühl
(Contact details at end of this Press Release)

Note: is unable to comment on the veracity of the headline and whether this is just a cunning stunt to get British Citizens’ attention about steps they may still have to take in the coming months in relation to their residency, access to the employment market, and exchanging a UK driving licence for an Austrian one.

UK Citizens in Austria are advised about the following important dates and steps to be taken over the coming weeks and months:

30 June 2021

Deadline for UK citizens resident in Austria to exchange UK driving licences for Austrian ones. Further information

Please also note the following further information regarding driving in Austria and well as the following FAQs.

UK citizens resident in Austria are required to formally import their car Further information

31 December 2021

Deadline for UK citizens who were registered as resident in Austria prior to 01.01.2021 (and therefore covered under the Withdrawal AgreementWithdrawal Agreement The Withdrawal Agreement sets out the terms of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU and provides for a deal on citizens’ rights. It sets out a transition period which lasts until 31 December 2020. During this time you can continue to live, work and study in the EU broadly as you did before 31 January 2020.   If you are resident in Austria at the end of the transition period, you will be covered by the Withdrawal Agreement, and your rights will be protected for as long as you remain resident in Austria.   Any rights that are not covered by the Withdrawal Agreement will be the subject of future negotiations.  ) to apply for their Art 50 EUVAufenthaltstitel "Artikel 50 EUV" The Aufenthaltstitel "Art 50 EUV" is a residency title to be issued to British citizens from the end of the transition period. Its name is derived from Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union. The "Titel" refers to the document or card itself, and not the right, or permission that it confirms. card at the competent residency authorities. Further information.

Further Reminder

UK citizens holding another citizenship of a Member State of the European Union, wishing to use that citizenship to exercise their continuing freedom of movement should ensure that their AnmeldebescheinigungAnmeldebescheinigung Every EU citizen who intends to stay longer than 3 months, must apply for the Anmeldebescheinigung within 4 months of first arrival in Austria. This is essentially a snap-shot of your status at that time, and confirms you have fulfilled the conditions to stay in Austria for longer. Your residence is still subject to certain rules. Note: British Citizens could only apply for the Anmeldebescheinigung until the end of the transition period (31.12.2020) is issued/amended to contain that nationality and that their MeldebestätigungMeldezettel Austria requires everyone living in Austria (both Austrians and foreigners) to register their place(s) of residence with the local authorities. The confirmation of this registration is called a Meldebestätigung (EN: confirmation of registration), although it is still affectionately known to many by its former name (the Meldezettel). This is done at your Meldeamt in the Gemeinde or Bezirk you live in. You are required to do your registration within three days of arrival. It is important to do this also because your qualification for permanent residence starts to run from the point of your registration. also reflects this information.

Further Information / Contact

A.Priehlfühl (English / German)

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