
Change to Equivalence of UK Driving Licences from 01.01.2021

United Kingdom (and Gibraltar) added to list of non-EEAcountries with full equivalence in §9 (1) FSG-DV with effect from 01.01.2021

An amendment to the Implementing Regulation to the Driving Licence Act (FSG-DVFührerscheingesetz-Durchführungsverordnung The FSG-DV (EN: Implementing Regulation to the Driving Licence Act) is a regulation/ordinance that defines various specificities about driving licences, including their conversion.; Führerscheingesetz-DurchführungsverordnungFührerscheingesetz-Durchführungsverordnung The FSG-DV (EN: Implementing Regulation to the Driving Licence Act) is a regulation/ordinance that defines various specificities about driving licences, including their conversion.) was announced in the Federal Law Gazette on 17.12.2020 (the consolidated text of the Regulation can be found here). The amendment adds the United Kingdom (and Gibraltar) to list of countries with full equivalence in §9 (1) FSG-DV with effect from 01.01.2021. As a result of their being added to this list of countries, there is the knock-on effect regarding the exchanging of driving licences in § 9(2) FSG-DV from 01.01.2021.

  • The licence being exchanged is retained by the Austrian authority and returned to the issuing authority except under certain circumstances.
  • If not all classes of the British licence are transferred over to the Austrian licence, then the classes that don’t apply for Austria will bear “gilt nicht in Österreich” (not valid in Austria) and the licence returned to licence holder. Where this remark cannot be made on the driving licence, then it will be kept by the authority and only returned upon request if the holder leaves Austria or gives up their Austrian place of residence in exchange for the Austrian driving licence.

Note: Residency rules in conjunction with the issuing of Austrian driving licences are addressed in §5 (2) of the Driving Licence Act (FSG; Führerscheingesetz)

Please also visit our page about driving licences.

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