Can I get a pdf version of my child’s Covid-19 vaccination certificate?

Yes. You will need to have an activated Handysignatur that allows you to access to access your electronic healthSozialministerium The Austrian Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection is responsible for the following fields: The health care system Initiatives for people with disabilities Consumer protection Public health and medical issues Care and support The rights of consumers and the protection of their health Senior citizens’ policy Social policy Social insurance file (ELGA) and your child needs to be co-insured (mitversichert) through you. When you log into using your Handysignatur, you need to choose the option In Vertretung einloggen” (log in representing someone else) – and then select “Vertretungsmodul” – Als Obsorgeberechtigte/r oder Sachwalter/in (i.e. for caregiver or legal guardian). You will be asked for their social insurance number (SV-Nummer), and then will be displayed as logging in on their behalf.

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