If you are entitled to a European HealthSozialministerium The Austrian Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection is responsible for the following fields: The health care system Initiatives for people with disabilities Consumer protection Public health and medical issues Care and support The rights of consumers and the protection of their health Senior citizens’ policy Social policy Social insurance Insurance Card (EHIC) issued by Austria, this card remains valid for use when you visit the UK, and other EEAEEA The European Economic Area (EEA) consists of the 27 EU Member States as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. The United Kingdom is not part of the EEA. countries.
The EHIC (on the back of your e-card) will cover you for any necessary medical care during a temporary stay in the UK. Remember that the EHIC is not an alternative to insurance, and you should always make sure you travel with insurance that covers your needs.
(Remember that the blue side of your card should not contain a load of asterisks – * – if it does you with need a PEB)
H/T UK In Austria – British Embassy Vienna