What differences are there in UK S1 coverage depending on when I arrived in Austria?

Question: If I have my healthcare funded in Austria via the UK (e.g. Pensioner with a UK S1), is there a difference between the S1 coverage for those who move to Austria after 31 December 2020?

Answer: The rules changed on 1st January 2024 and so S1 coverage in England is now the same. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland may have different rules

The table below illustrates the main differences between those that are covered by the Withdrawal Agreement (arrived in the EU on or before 31 December 2020) and those who are covered by the EU-UK Trade and Co-operation Agreement  (Arrived in the EU after 31 December 2020).

EU Residence TypeUK NHS CoverageUK EHIC/GHIC Card
In the EU before 31 December 2020FULL NHS coverage in England, the same as a UK resident whilst visiting England provided they travel with the S1. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland may have different rules.Can apply for a UK supplied EHIC card
Arrived in the EU after 31 December 2020Since 1st January 2024, same as above in England. Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland may have different rules.Can apply for a UK supplied GHIC card
Table explaining difference based on residence type

Note 1: A UK supplied EHIC/GHIC card is NOT valid for treatment in the UK; whereas an Austrian supplied EHIC card (back of e-card) is valid in the UK

Note 2: If you receive a UK State Pension AND a pension from the country you have moved to (e.g. Austria), you may not get an S1 form. This is because the country you live in is responsible for your healthcare.

Useful Links

Can S1 form holders access healthcare whilst visiting the UK?
Where can I use a UK Global Health Insurance Card (UK

GHIC) or UK European Health Insurance Card (UK EHIC)?
NHS.uk – Visitors from EU countries, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein or Switzerland
NHS Overseas Services Contact Us
NHS Overseas Services Knowledge Base
Facebook – NHS Overseas Healthcare Services

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