Reply To: Moving to Austria 3CN working in Tourism

Forum Working in Austria Moving to Austria 3CN working in Tourism Reply To: Moving to Austria 3CN working in Tourism

keithjdKeith Davies

    Hi Jack,

    No you cannot work during the 90 day Schengen Visa Free limit as it is only for tourist purposes; you can search for work though. You should apply for a Visa-D or RWR card if you want to work in Austria, unless you have an EU passport. The RWR card has a fixed employer for 2 years and I don’t believe you can be self employed during this period. There is one possible exception to this but it has a quite hefty threshold (e.g. investment capital of € 100K and/or employing others):

    You could try and contact the Welcome Services in Salzburg for further advice, but they don’t always respond –

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by keithjdKeith Davies.