Reply To: Dependent Relatives

Forum Article 50 EUV cards Dependent Relatives Reply To: Dependent Relatives

keithjdKeith Davies

    If your mother does not have permanent residency in Austria and she has been away for more than 6 months in a 12 months period, she will have lost her A50 residency rights (no longer resident). You can still apply under the Family re-unification rules BUT she needs to be Financially dependent on you (there is no health dependency, unless it’s discretionary) AND that needed to have been done within 3 months of entry. More details here:

    If that fails another option is Settlement Permit Gainful Employment Excepted but that has strict quotas and runs out quickly –

    PS: As an aside having a Hauptwohnsitz Meldezettel without any other residency paperwork does not necessarily mean someone is legally resident.

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 7 months ago by keithjdKeith Davies.
    • This reply was modified 1 year, 6 months ago by keithjdKeith Davies. Reason: Clarify that family re-unifcation rules are within 3 months of entry