Absence greater than 6 months with Article 50 card

Forum Article 50 EUV cards Absence greater than 6 months with Article 50 card

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    • #4135


        I’ve recently received my Article 50 permit, however I’ve returned to the UK in order to finish my UK university degree. I understand that in order to keep Article 50 based residency then only six months absence from Austria in twelve months is permitted. However, I believe an exception can be made for the purpose of studying. How can I get approval for this absence (about 11 months)? Who do I need to contact? Really don’t want to lose my residency permit!

      • #4625
        keithjdKeith Davies

          The exception is covered in section 14 of the following guideline – https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/927349/explainer-for-part-2-citizens-rights-of-agreement-on-withdrawal-uk-ni-from-eu.pdf
          I believe when someone asked about this there was no specific process for this, but you do need to keep records just in case you are questioned. See if Mike knows any different, but failing that you could check with the Austrian Government Brexit hotline:

          The Federal Government has set up a special hotline for questions about Brexit: +43 (0) 800 222 666 (free of charge within Austria)
          Operating hours: Monday to Friday, 8 am to 4 pm (weekdays)
          Feel free to also contact us by email: service@bka.gv.at

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