Moved to AT in December, can I work?

Forum Brexit-related Moved to AT in December, can I work?

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    • #2092

        Hi Everyone,

        I moved to Tirol, Austria in December and immediately registered with the Gemeinde, so I have my Anmeldebescheinigung.

        I contacted the Bezirk civil servant responsible for the Article 50 Aufenthaltsbewillungsantrag who tells me that I need to have a job in order to apply for it.

        My question is, if I find a job, am I allowed to work here in Austria? (I am currently looking)

        I called the local Arbeitsmarktservice who tells me I can only work once I have shown proof that I have applied for an Aufenthaltsbewilligung.

        I am not sure if what these officials are telling me is correct, but if so, then it seems I am caught in a catch 22 whereby I can’t apply for a residence permit without having a job, and can’t get a job without applying for a residence permit.

        Would appreciate some advice on the matter!

        I previously lived and worked in Austria so have an (inactive) Sozialversicherungsnummer, don’t know if that helps anything.

        In case I am allowed to work, I would also wonder if I would be able to register with the AMS so they can help me find employment? I guess I wouldn’t get unemployment money or health insurance like used to be the case when out of work?

        • This topic was modified 4 years ago by elvisruleselvisrules.
        • This topic was modified 4 years ago by elvisruleselvisrules.
      • #2315
        keithjdKeith Davies

          Regarding the work scenario if you look on the UK Embassy in Vienna Facebook page you will find your answer – Yes.

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