Article 50 card – Practical Information

If you want to leave feeedback about your appointment orapplication process, or to let us know that your Art 50 EUVAufenthaltstitel "Artikel 50 EUV" The Aufenthaltstitel "Art 50 EUV" is a residency title to be issued to British citizens from the end of the transition period. Its name is derived from Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union. The "Titel" refers to the document or card itself, and not the right, or permission that it confirms. card has arrived, please visit our feedback page.

Information about where to apply

We are collecting information here from various sources and collating information that we receive from throughout Austria. If you have further information that we haven’t received, either e-mail us at or fill in the form at the bottom of this page.

Information has been grouped by province (Bundesland) and we request information about which municipality (Gemeinde) you are in, as information might vary from one to the next Gemeinde. Unless listed below, the competent authority is the Bezirkshauptmannschaft of your town (Stadt) or municipality (Gemeinde).

Update 15.01.2021 – our attention has been brought to cases submitted in Graz instead of Graz-Umgebung where the applicant has been subsequently been asked to resubmit paperwork at the competent authority in Graz-Umgebung. Please ensure that you go to the right office. has further information about how to find where your appointment is.

Forms and guidance for filling the form


Unless listed below, the competent authority is the Bezirkshauptmannschaft of your town (Stadt) or municipality (Gemeinde).

17.12.2020 – Eisenstadt – Magistrat Eisenstadt is the competent authority

17.12.2020 – Rust – Magistrat Rust is the competent authority


Unless listed below, the competent authority is the Bezirkshauptmannschaft of your town (Stadt) or municipality (Gemeinde).

17.12.2020 – Klagenfurt – Magistrat Klagenfurt is the competent authority

17.12.2020 – Villach – Magistrat Villach is the competent authority

Lower Austria

Unless listed below, the competent authority is the Bezirkshauptmannschaft of your town (Stadt) or municipality (Gemeinde).

14.01.2021 (source: British Embassy on Facebook – The Austrian Ministry of Interior has just confirmed to us that the regional government of Lower Austria was currently not doing any physical appointments due to COVID restrictions. UK nationals were being asked to submit their documents either by post or by email (contact details for regional government offices – Bezirkshauptmannschaft or Magistrat – can be found here:

Once their documents had been received the WAWithdrawal Agreement The Withdrawal Agreement sets out the terms of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU and provides for a deal on citizens’ rights. It sets out a transition period which lasts until 31 December 2020. During this time you can continue to live, work and study in the EU broadly as you did before 31 January 2020.   If you are resident in Austria at the end of the transition period, you will be covered by the Withdrawal Agreement, and your rights will be protected for as long as you remain resident in Austria.   Any rights that are not covered by the Withdrawal Agreement will be the subject of future negotiations.   confirmation letter was being sent to the applicant. When restrictions eased, these applicants would be asked to come in person to give their finger prints before all the information would be sent off for their Article 50 card to be printed. While the Ministry acknowledged this would cause a delay in the applicants actually receiving their cards, given that they would have the confirmation letter stating that they were covered under the WA this shouldn’t cause any inconvenience to the applicant.

21.12.2020 – BH Mödling – has no information about appointments for the Art 50 EUV card (source: post in the Facebook groups)

17.12.2020 – BH Baden – Baden accepting appointments in January to be made by email on or by phone 02252/9025-26800 The offices in Berndorf, Pottendorf, and Pottenstein are closed until further notice due to COVID-19 (Coronavirus).

17.12.2020 – Krems an der Donau – Magistrat Krems is the competent authority

17.12.2020 – St Pölten – Magistrat St Pölten is the competent authority

17.12.2020 – Waidhofen an der Ybbs – Magistrat Waidhofen an der Ybbs is the competent authority

17.12.2020 – Wiener Neustadt – Magistrat Wiener Neustadt is the competent authority


Unless listed below, the competent authority is the Bezirkshauptmannschaft of your town (Stadt) or municipality (Gemeinde).

15.01.2021 – Bezirk Zell am See – appointments can be made by e-mail through

21.12.2020 – Fremdenbehörde in Salzburg (city) will not be taking appointments before the end of the January lockdown (ie. until after 24.01.2021)


Update 15.01.2021 – our attention has been brought to cases submitted in Graz instead of Graz-Umgebung where the applicant has been subsequently been asked to resubmit paperwork at the competent authority in Graz-Umgebung. Please ensure that you go to the right office.

Unless listed below, the competent authority is the Bezirkshauptmannschaft of your town (Stadt) or municipality (Gemeinde)

28.12.2020 – Leibnitz – Number to call: ‪0345282911238‬ Appointments can already be made. They will ask for some personal details (name/DOB, what docs you have) and state what you need to bring.

17.12.2020 – Graz – Amt der Steiermärkischen Landesregierung is the competent authority


Unless listed below, the competent authority is the Bezirkshauptmannschaft of your town (Stadt) or municipality (Gemeinde)

17.12.2020 – Innsbruck – Magistrat Innsbruck is the competent authority

03.01.2021 – Innsbruck – it has been highlighted that applicants have the whole of 2021 to apply and they have requested that people do not turn up in January as they still have a few issues they wish to clarify. (Source: Facebook group).

07.01.2021 – Kitzbühel – Contacts for Art 50 EUV card matters are Christina Reitmayer or Wolfgang Reiter
‪05356 62131 6414‬

23.12.2020 – BH Kufstein suggesting to call from February to make appointments (source: post to the Facebook groupsthe Facebook groups draws upon its two Facebook groups as a source of questions to address in FAQs or to refer to the authorities or to request clarification from government ministries or HM British Embassy. These groups can be found at: British in Austria: British in Europe ~ Austria:  )

Upper Austria

Unless listed below, the competent authority is the Bezirkshauptmannschaft of your town (Stadt) or municipality (Gemeinde).

17.12.2020 – Linz – Magistrat Linz is the competent authority

17.12.2020 – Stadt Wels or Bezirk Wels-Land – Magistrat Wels is the competent authority

Further information:

17.12.2020 – Stadt Steyr or Bezirk Steyr-Land – Magistrat Steyr is the competent authority

Further information:


09.12.2020 – MA35Magistratsabteilung 35 Residency and citizenship issues in Vienna are handled by Magistratsabteilung 35 (MA35). It has several offices in Vienna and where you need to go depends on whether or not you are an EU citizen (you go to one or other of its EU Referat offices depending on the district you live in), or its premises for third country nationals. requests people NOT to post documents in advance of a personal appointment. This if anything hinders processing rather than helping. Doing so has created a huge backlog of e-mails to be read and protocolled. Please just bring all documents (and copies thereof to your appointment).

01.12.2020 – Announcement made that appointments can be made from January 2021 through the MA35 – appointments will be at the MA35 office in Arndtstrasse in the 12th district.


05.01.2021 – Bludenz – People being advised that appointments are possible from February 2021 due to charging guidance issues. (Twitter)

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