I still haven’t received an Article 50 card. What can I do?

The Ministry of the InteriorBMI The Bundesministerium für Inneres (BMI) - Austria's Ministry for the Interior - is the competent ministry for issues related to residency and citizenship. already contacted the relevant authorities in early Spring to urge them to swiftly conclude any outstanding Article 50 card applications.

For applications made in 2021, the BMIBundesministerium für Inneres The Bundesministerium für Inneres (BMI) / Ministry for the Interior (UK counterparty: the Home Office) is competent for public security, policing, border control as well as residency and citizenships. It is also responsible for elections and direct democracy instruments as well as the civil service in the respective provinces, as well as municipal level where they are not covered by the Federal Chancellery. have requested the conclusion of procedures by 30 June 2022 (i.e. within six months of applications). Further monitoring will take place.

The Ministry has advised that a number of the delayed procedures have been due to incomplete submissions of documents. In a few cases, discretion has been exercised to allow the issuing of a 10 year card (DaueraufenthaltstitelDaueraufenthalt Daueraufenthalt simply means permanent residence. If you have permanent residence rights, usually from having been legally resident for 5 years, you are eligible for a 10 year residency permit.).

We advise:

  • Contacting the authority (typically a Bezirkshauptmannschaft (Exception: Vienna: MA35Magistratsabteilung 35 Residency and citizenship issues in Vienna are handled by Magistratsabteilung 35 (MA35). It has several offices in Vienna and where you need to go depends on whether or not you are an EU citizen (you go to one or other of its EU Referat offices depending on the district you live in), or its premises for third country nationals.)).
  • Checking your e-mail account and spam folder (we heard of cases where applications were delayed as people didn’t notice a mail)

If your procedure has not yet been concluded, please contact us, we have good links to the BMI, who are willing to assist.

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