There are a number of points to remember about your passport photo. Shops offering passport photos may still be open even in a lockdown, but it is a good idea to phone them to check, as their opening hours might differ from their normal ones. If you request Passbilder, more often than not they will print them on a card with four pictures and a fifth one that proves they are biometrically in line as well as having a date on them. Take the entire sheet with you – the authorities will be able to cut out a photo and you will have proof that they are recent (i.e. less than 6 months old).
From the BMIBundesministerium für Inneres The Bundesministerium für Inneres (BMI) / Ministry for the Interior (UK counterparty: the Home Office) is competent for public security, policing, border control as well as residency and citizenships. It is also responsible for elections and direct democracy instruments as well as the civil service in the respective provinces, as well as municipal level where they are not covered by the Federal Chancellery. guidance, the following applies:
- The photographs must be less than six months old.
- The photographs must be sharp, well lit and with good contrast.
- The face must be straight on and centred in the picture.
- If wearing a face covering, the face must be visible from the base of the chin to above the eyes.
- The paper should be glossy (and not contoured as is often the case with school photos taken for children)
- “Red eye” pictures cannot be accepted.
- If you wear glasses, your eyes must not be obscured by the frames of your glasses or light reflections in your glasses.
- Babies should not have a dummy in, and not be crying in the photo, and should not be wearing a hat on.
- In the case of black and white pictures, the contrast and lighting requirements must also be observed.