As we previously advised in May of this year, the cost of applying for an Article 50 card for a minor is now EUR 26.30 – previously EUR 61.50. Additional charges for sighting fees for documents may also apply.
Consequently, the new rate applies all new cards issued for under 16s (the cut-off is the date of application) – including 10 year cards issued once the applicant has accrued five years’ legal residence.
The even better news is that the amendment to the Gebührengesetz applies retroactively to all applications, meaning that anyone who applied for an Article 50 card in 2021, or for a newborn child in 2022, can receive a refund of (EUR 35.20). A refund is possible for charges for replacement cards, provided that the applicant was under 16 at the time of applying.
Following British in Austria’s communication with the Ministry for the InteriorBundesministerium für Inneres The Bundesministerium für Inneres (BMI) / Ministry for the Interior (UK counterparty: the Home Office) is competent for public security, policing, border control as well as residency and citizenships. It is also responsible for elections and direct democracy instruments as well as the civil service in the respective provinces, as well as municipal level where they are not covered by the Federal Chancellery., they and the Ministry of Finance have advised about how to apply for a refund. Postal applications must include the necessary accompanying information.
Full information about the refund process
In addition, we have also included a template letter to assist in the process.
British in Austria would like to also express its thanks to Ben Turner in Salzburg, whose efforts in 2021 may well have contributed substantially to this amendment to the Gebührengesetz, as well as Sian Elmore for alerting us to the new rates apply. In addition, we would like to thank the BMIBundesministerium für Inneres The Bundesministerium für Inneres (BMI) / Ministry for the Interior (UK counterparty: the Home Office) is competent for public security, policing, border control as well as residency and citizenships. It is also responsible for elections and direct democracy instruments as well as the civil service in the respective provinces, as well as municipal level where they are not covered by the Federal Chancellery. and BMF for their prompt and open response regarding refunds.