A50 Brits Residency

You do the maths…

For further information about why it pays to the get your Bescheinigung des DaueraufenthaltsBescheinigung des Daueraufenthalts für EWR Bürger This is the document you can apply for after 5 years' continuous and legal residency in Austria. It confirms that you have the right to permanent residency under EU rules as an EU citizen. It requires you to provide proof of residency, employment or sufficient financial resources, and all-risks medical and health insurance cover. Holders of this document are guaranteed the Article 50 EUV card via a quick and easy process in 2021. Note: British Citizens could only apply for the Bescheinigung des Daueraufenthalts until the end of the transition period (31.12.2020) in 2020 still, ahead of the Aufenthaltstitel Art 50 EUVAufenthaltstitel "Artikel 50 EUV" The Aufenthaltstitel "Art 50 EUV" is a residency title to be issued to British citizens from the end of the transition period. Its name is derived from Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union. The "Titel" refers to the document or card itself, and not the right, or permission that it confirms. card in 2021, take a look at our you do the maths page.

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