Does my Austrian Article 50 residence permit allow me to work elsewhere in the EU?

Answer The strict answer is NO! Following Brexit, British Citizens no longer enjoy EU Freedom of Movement Rights. Your Withdrawal AgreementWithdrawal Agreement The Withdrawal Agreement sets out the terms of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU and provides for a deal on citizens’ rights. It sets out a transition period which lasts until 31 December 2020. During this time you […]

What differences are there in UK S1 coverage depending on when I arrived in Austria?

Question: If I have my healthcare funded in Austria via the UK (e.g. Pensioner with a UK S1), is there a difference between the S1 coverage for those who move to Austria after 31 December 2020? Answer: The rules changed on 1st January 2024 and so S1 coverage in England is now the same. Scotland, […]

How do I obtain a refund for an Article 50 card application that was overcharged for my child?

In July 2022, an amendment to the Gebührengesetz reduced the charge (Gebühr) for an Art 50 TEU card application by a minor from EUR 61.50 to EUR 26.30. More importantly the change was made retroactively with effect from 1 January 2021 (i.e. thereby covering all applications made for the Article 50 TEU card). For whom […]

What does the (Austrian) EHIC card cover?

The Austrian EHIC card provides “medically necessary” treatment in state-provided healthcare during a temporary stay in any of the 27 EU countries, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Switzerland or the UK. The UK EHIC/GHIC card has similar coverage in Austria, but please remember it is NOT an acceptable policy for permanent residency purposes. Also when you become […]

How do I and my EU/EEA Family Members return to the UK for good? (Surinder Singh Route)

Since 1st January 2021, EU/EEAEEA The European Economic Area (EEA) consists of the 27 EU Member States as well as Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway. The United Kingdom is not part of the EEA. Citizens no longer have an automatic right to reside in the UK (the exception being Irish Citizens who are covered under the […]

I want to go off travelling in the future. What must I bear in mind regarding my residence status?

Article 50 EUV cardAufenthaltstitel "Artikel 50 EUV" The Aufenthaltstitel “Art 50 EUV” is a residency title to be issued to British citizens from the end of the transition period. Its name is derived from Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union. The “Titel” refers to the document or card itself, and not the right, […]

Can I get an Article 50 EUV card without a valid passport?

It is not possible to get your Article 50 EUV cardAufenthaltstitel "Artikel 50 EUV" The Aufenthaltstitel “Art 50 EUV” is a residency title to be issued to British citizens from the end of the transition period. Its name is derived from Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union. The “Titel” refers to the document […]

What health insurance policies are accepted for “privatier” applications for the Article 50 card?

During 2021, the following healthSozialministerium The Austrian Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection is responsible for the following fields: The health care system Initiatives for people with disabilities Consumer protection Public health and medical issues Care and support The rights of consumers and the protection of their health Senior citizens’ policy Social […]

My employer is nervous as I don’t have my Art 50 EUV card yet. What should I do?

We have had several people who had applied back in the summer for their Art 50 EUVAufenthaltstitel "Artikel 50 EUV" The Aufenthaltstitel “Art 50 EUV” is a residency title to be issued to British citizens from the end of the transition period. Its name is derived from Article 50 of the Treaty on European Union. […]

I am waiting for my Article 50 card and wish to spend time away from Austria. What must I do?

I applied for an Article 50 card in Vienna at the start of 2021 and received the application certificate, but have still not received the Article 50 card. Is there any way I can chase this up? I’ve tried contacting MA35Magistratsabteilung 35 Residency and citizenship issues in Vienna are handled by Magistratsabteilung 35 (MA35). It […]