The EU has it here for all to see. On that page are also some explanatory notes. Warning : It is over 500 pages long. If you find that too daunting, our mother group British in Europe has some great guides to the WA
FAQ Group: Embassy-BMI-BiA-UKCA
FAQs drawn up on the basis of the meeting between HM Embassy, BMI, British in Austria and UK Citizens in Austria
§51 (2) of the Settlement and Residence Act (NAGNiederlassungs- und Aufenthaltsgesetz The Niederlassungs- und Aufenthaltsgesetz (Residency and Settlement Act) is the Austrian law governing residency for foreign citizens in Austria.; Niederlassungs- und AufenthaltsgesetzNiederlassungs- und Aufenthaltsgesetz The Niederlassungs- und Aufenthaltsgesetz (Residency and Settlement Act) is the Austrian law governing residency for foreign citizens in Austria.) covers […]
The background to this question was that there have been apparently divergent experiences about the 5-year qualification period for various British citizens in Austria in various provinces (from responses to questions in the Facebook groupsthe Facebook groups draws upon its two Facebook groups as a source of questions to address in FAQs or to […]
To summarise – mentioned in our flowchart about residence, unrestricted qualification for social assistance (Anspruch auf Leistungen der Sozialhilfe) for foreign citizens in Austria is only possible for citizens of EU Member States or EEA Signatory States who have a claim to social assistance or minimum benefits if they have been employed in Austria […]
(Information as of 10th October 2020) We were assured that the backlog has now been cleared and the system is working efficiently again Anyone who was forced to buy an Emergency Travel DocumentEmergency Travel Document The Emergency Travel Document (sometimes also called an Emergency Passport) is issued for British citizens abroad who need to travel […]
An explanation of the current rules of freedom of movement will be helpful to many people: EU citizens are entitled to enter without a visa. They have the right to stay in the Federal territory for a period of three months. This is regulated in the Foreign Police Act (FPG). Employed persons (employees, self-employed persons, […]
Absence from Austria: With the 5-year card you are entitled to be abroad for up to 6 months each year (although there are circumstances such as being sent abroad by your employer, a serious healthSozialministerium The Austrian Ministry of Social Affairs, Health, Care and Consumer Protection is responsible for the following fields: The health care […]
There will be a clear distinction in most cases: If your house in Austria is registered as your NebenwohnsitzZweitwohnsitz Secondary places of residence (e.g. holiday homes that you spend some time in yourself, pied-à-terres, granny flats) are known as Zweitwohnsitze (in legal terms) or Nebenwohnsitze (in common parlance). While you may reside at a secondary […]
If you have the Bescheinigung des DaueraufenthaltsBescheinigung des Daueraufenthalts für EWR Bürger This is the document you can apply for after 5 years’ continuous and legal residency in Austria. It confirms that you have the right to permanent residency under EU rules as an EU citizen. It requires you to provide proof of residency, employment […]
Your UK pension will be considered as your income. If you have been here for more than 5 years than you can apply for the Bescheinigung des DaueraufenthaltsBescheinigung des Daueraufenthalts für EWR Bürger This is the document you can apply for after 5 years’ continuous and legal residency in Austria. It confirms that you have […]