- Continue to keep in touch with one another:
- Social media and support groups:
- British in Austria on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/groups/BritishAustria
- British in Austria blog https://www.britishinaustria.net
- UK Citizens in Austria https://ukcitizensinaustria.wordpress.com
- Active local groups such as English Speakers in Salzburg https://www.facebook.com/groups/english.salzburg
- UK government: https://www.gov.uk/guidance/living-in-austria
- Homepage of the Federal Chancellery: https://www.bundeskanzleramt.gv.at/en/topics/brexit.html
- Social media and support groups:
- Ensure that your passport is in order. Correct name (marriage/divorce); correct gender (sex change). The expiry date of the passport is not important so long as it hasn’t expired (the “6 months left” rule is not relevant).
- Make sure that you have a MeldebestätigungMeldezettel Austria requires everyone living in Austria (both Austrians and foreigners) to register their place(s) of residence with the local authorities. The confirmation of this registration is called a Meldebestätigung (EN: confirmation of registration), although it is still affectionately known to many by its former name (the Meldezettel). This is done at your Meldeamt in the Gemeinde or Bezirk you live in. You are required to do your registration within three days of arrival. It is important to do this also because your qualification for permanent residence starts to run from the point of your registration. (MeldezettelMeldezettel Austria requires everyone living in Austria (both Austrians and foreigners) to register their place(s) of residence with the local authorities. The confirmation of this registration is called a Meldebestätigung (EN: confirmation of registration), although it is still affectionately known to many by its former name (the Meldezettel). This is done at your Meldeamt in the Gemeinde or Bezirk you live in. You are required to do your registration within three days of arrival. It is important to do this also because your qualification for permanent residence starts to run from the point of your registration.) and at least the AnmeldebescheinigungAnmeldebescheinigung Every EU citizen who intends to stay longer than 3 months, must apply for the Anmeldebescheinigung within 4 months of first arrival in Austria. This is essentially a snap-shot of your status at that time, and confirms you have fulfilled the conditions to stay in Austria for longer. Your residence is still subject to certain rules. Note: British Citizens could only apply for the Anmeldebescheinigung until the end of the transition period (31.12.2020). If you arrive in the country in the last few months/weeks/days before 31 December 2021 get these quickly!
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